Heane's Been Baking

Heane's Been Baking

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Baking Doughnuts Hollywood Style

This weekend I decided to tackle the doughnut. Naturally, I followed Paul Hollywood's recipe having seen the Sport Relief bakers making then on The Great Sport Relief Bake-off. If celebrity novice bakers could make them, then surely I'd be able to as well! 

What did these bakers have that I lacked? A wonderfully pretty Kitchen Aid and a deep-fat fryer of course. Well, as a student, working with the basic kitchen ware I have comes pretty naturally so I was in no way discouraged! 

The dough didn't prove as much as I would have hoped... but then I am dealing with student heating. I.e. none. 

In the recipe Paul suggests heating the oil to 180ºc. Seeing as I had no way of measuring the temperature of the oil I would have to turn on the heat and hope for the best! Resulting in some very dense, dark brown, oddly shaped doughnuts! Needless to say these were the sad little guys left in the cake tin! 

Working with an electric hob also has its downfalls and controlling the temperature is definitely easier with gas! But you can see the difference frying the doughnuts on a lower heat. You can see the dough expanding as the yeast gets to work. If the oil is too hot there just isn't time! 

However, cold house, electric hob and lack of alliances aside... here they are, my first ever batch of doughnuts! 


This weekend, having purchased my silicon sheet with little circles, I will be attempting the ever feared Macaron! Watch this space. Potential disaster to follow. 

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